Thank you for attending the photography presentation on “5 things I learned about Photography”. You can download the .PDF here from the presentation.
Here’s the summary of the key points:
- Cameras capture and modify light.
- Good photography is a mix of skills and tools.
- Editing enhances photos.
- Computer skills help with photography (especially photo management).
- Smart phones are convenient and stand-alone cameras provide higher image quality, but both have their place.
Modifying Light (Exposure)
Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO (light sensitivity) were discussed in the first point. Through these variables, light can be modified and manipulated. The balance of these 3 variables is called exposure. Remember there are trade-offs when light is increased or decreased.
When dealing with Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO, if you ever run into a case where you need to reduce the light – the first one to reduce would be the ISO. Why? Because you will get better image quality by reducing the noise in the image.
Rule of Thirds (and other principles)
Rule-of-thirds was one of the first photography principles that captured my attention. I was fascinated such a simple principle could enhance photography… by just moving the image a little to the left, right, up, or down, could change the photo’s appeal? Surely that can’t be right?! Once I realized that the rule-of-thirds made some photos more pleasing, I started using it whenever possible.
Not all photos get better with rule-of-thirds. If you’re doing portrait photography (or school yearbooks), group photos, etc… you’d want the subject in the center. Rule-of-thirds is a principle that should be used creatively and decisively, not absolutely. Same goes with all the other principles.
Here’s some links on the principles mentioned in the presentation for additional reading:
There’s a saying in photography… first, learn all the rules and once you master them, break them.
Photography Software
Free photo-editing software: