Recently, someone asked me… what’s your favorite camera?
Well, I have the mindset that you should use the right tool for the job. But after this question. It dawned on me that there was one camera that I reached for more often than the others.
So my favorite camera of 2019?
Before I state which one that is, you got to realize that I’m choosing from the cameras I have experience with. These are: Panasonic Lumix G85, Panasonic Lumix GX85, Panasonic Lumix G7, and Canon 7D Mark II.

So back to the question: what’s my favorite camera?
Out of these cameras, I looked at features like portability, build quality, stabilization, and adaptability. Now the only camera that I own that satisfies all these requirements is my Panasonic Lumix GX85.

Since I already have videos on features, I’ll be linking to those rather than repeating them here. For portability, this video shows how much you can fit into a small bag with the GX85. For the plethora of camera features including stabilization and adaptability, check out my 25 Reasons video, which was made for the G85 but most of them also apply to the GX85 (with the exception of mic input, articulating screen, remote shutter port). And the build quality on this is pretty nice. Feels much nicer than the G7.
Now, in addition to those features, you can also charge the GX85 directly using a USB cable. This is perfect for travel so you don’t even need to pack the external battery charger. Another cool feature is not only does it have in-camera focus stacking, but also merging.
Now I’m not saying to go buy this camera right now especially since there have been newer models released, but if you’re on the fence about this camera, then definitely buy it right now.
Whether you’re into video or photography, it’s a camera that can handle both exceptionally well. That’s an absolute steal, especially during the current sale. My recommended lenses are the 42.5 f/1.7, the 25mm f/1.4, and the 15mm f/1.7.
Now I can’t end this video without giving props to my other cameras. As I mentioned in the beginning, I use the right tool for the job. The G85 is my main camera at home and does its job well. The G7 was my very first manual camera (long-term review) and it’s now a backup to my G85 and the 7D mark II is perfect for wildlife and BIF photography.
Birds-in-flight: Great White Egret taken on the Canon 7D Mark II and Sigma 150-600 Wildlife Photography: Red-Shouldered Hawk taken on the Canon 7D Mark II and Sigma 150-600
Even with all these amazing cameras, GX85 is still the one that I reach for more frequently. Now more important than the features already mentioned, this camera is a joy to hold and shoot with. The small build makes it convenient and I can fit it into a jacket pocket. It’s a camera that ticks so many boxes that it’s hands-down my favorite camera of 2019.
Now, tell me… what’s YOUR favorite camera? Let me know in the comments below!
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